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The Trade Window

Enyxus™ offers a clean yet robust Trade Window for setting up various trades to be executed by the software, on the user’s connected exchange.

The platform allows for every known order type, structured as either:

  • Standard Market Orders,
  • Limit Orders with customizations for timing and fill quantities,
  • Conditional Orders with a variety event driven execution parameters, and
  • Automation rules specific to the block that is being traded.

Figure 62

Block Selection Functions

The Enyxus™ Platform is unique in that it allows a trader to manage multiple purchases of the same asset as an inventory of separate blocks of value. Each block’s history is then independently tracked.

When a trader selects a block to trade and enters the Trade Window, their ability to select additional blocks to add to the trade is presented to them in the Block Selection Window.

Figure 63

Enyxus™ is designed to adjust to smaller displays by neatly tucking away the block list as a panel that can still be viewable by clicking the floating arrow in the upper left-hand side of the Trade Window.

  1. By default, when the trade window is open, only the original block or blocks selected for trade will be “pre-selected” in the Block Selection Window
  2. When a user selects additional blocks to add, or deselects blocks they wish to remove from the trade, the quantity that is being set for trade is automatically updated.

Figure 64

  1. In the event that multiple blocks are selected for trade and the slider is moved to indicate an amount less than 100%, let’s say 50% for the sake of this example, each block that has been selected for the trade will be split to the setting of the slider and only the amount selected will be traded into the To Asset. This will result in smaller remnant blocks in the From Asset’s block inventory.

Order Book Functions

The Enyxus™ Order Book functions much like a typical platform’s order book with a few exceptions.

When a user hover’s any order on the order book, the details regarding the size of the order and the equivalency in the From, To, and Key assets are all shown to give users a full understanding of each order. Additionally, the relative size of each order (in terms of the number of From Asset units) is depicted through faintly highlighted, horizontally oriented bars.

Figure 65

When a limit order is placed by our users, The Enyxus™ Order Book shows more details regarding the trade including the units of the From Token and the To Token at the limit price, the Key Asset (USD) equivalent of the trade and the amount filled if any. This is all available by hovering over the dot denominating the trader’s trade.

When a trader executes a Smart Pair Trade, the Order Book’s header includes toggle arrows which let the trader quickly toggle between each relative order book within the route.

Figure 66

Order Log

Traders can view both open and closed past orders in the pairing they have selected by clicking on the Order Log tab and toggling between the Open and Closed orders.

Figure 67

Trades Tab

The Trades Tab lists all of the most recently closed trades that have occurred in the market with orange denoting a sell limit order that was purchased by the market and the green denoting the buy orders that were sold into by the market. In a Smart Pairing, traders can toggle between the individual Trade Windows for each pairing in the route needed to execute the Smart Pairing, in the same way as the Order Book. Traders can view all of the exchange’s recently filled orders in the selected pair and can toggle between pairs by clicking on the Order Log tab’s top pair panel.

Figure 68

Pairing Windows

The Trade Window prominently presents the trading pair selected for trading in two side-by-side panels which let the trader quickly change either asset for trading, with the left panel always depicting the holdings and the right window listing all assets other than the selected holding.

Figure 69

In the center of the pairing window is an arrow that indicates the direction of the trade. However, when the pairing reflects a Smart Pair, the Smart Pair Icon appears rather than a simple arrow. When a user hovers over the Smart Pair Icon, a pop-up appears that indicates the Smart Pair’s route, including all of the incremental moves that are required to reach the trade’s final destination.

Figure 70

Limit Orders

The basic limitations traders can apply to their limit orders are the price they wish to pay for the set amount of the To Asset they wish to receive and the time in force for the trade.

Figure 71

Figure 72

Notices Regarding Additional Enyxus™ Trading Functions and Concepts:

  • Enyxus’™ unique tools address limit orders in some unique ways when applied to blocks, sequences of trades, and equivalency calculations. To learn more please visit Enyxus™ Concepts.
  • Enyxus’™ incorporates algorithmic pricing to calculate a trader’s likely price when using market orders, by assuming consumption of the order book, rather than using last price or mid pricing between bids and asks to estimate the price a trader will experience. To learn more please visit Enyxus™ Concepts.


Users will find three options at the bottom of the Trade Window allowing them to choose how to deal with the trade they have set up in the window. Users can, of course, choose to Cancel the order or immediately Send it, however a Trader may wish to further evaluate the trade and various key metrics related to the trade order they have set up, prior to executing the order. The Preview Window lets them accomplish this prior to sending the trade.