Performance Window
The Performance Window allows the user to view the selected block(s)’ graphed performance history against Key Asset Value and a total of the closed profits or losses achieved through trading the block. However, because Enyxus™ is designed to allow the trader to evaluate any asset through the lens of any other asset, the Performance Window also allows a trader to track any block’s or grouping of blocks’ performance priced in any other asset the trader wishes to see.
Default View
By default, the Holdings Tab is set to display a trader’s global holdings across all exchanges, ranked by total Key Asset weighting of the asset. By clicking the Symbol button, the user can arrange symbols alphabetically, rather than by weighting within their portfolio. Additionally, by clicking the toggle button on the left side of the Symbol Column Header, the user can change the function of the button to arrange the assets by exchange, rather than by symbol. This lets users select their own order of hierarchy for the way they wish to review their data.
Each column header can be selected to re-order the list by the data most important to the trader, so if the user wants to order the row by the Adjusted Cost of the assets rather than their Portfolio %, it’s as simple as clicking the appropriate header to re-sort the list.
Collapsible Drawer System
Each row of data within the Holdings Tab has a drawer button that allows the detailed data that comprises the row’s summary information to be shown or hidden based on the needs of the trader. This way traders can focus on trading within a single asset at a time, or a single exchange, or quickly reorganize the chart to scan through the most pertinent data that they need to see at any given time.
Scrolling and Sub-Scrolling
With the introduction of blocks into a trader’s portfolio management tools, coupled with multiple exchanges and multiple assets, the Holdings tab can become quite long. To reduce the potential for irritating and incessant scrolling, the Enyxus™ platform incorporates a global scrollbar on the right-hand side of the Holdings Tab and sub-scrolling bars within each section on the left-hand side of the Holdings Tab, allowing traders to scroll within exchanges, or within holdings within exchanges.
Unthreaded View
The Enyxus™ Holdings Tab is, by default, structured with organizational “threading” to help traders navigate lots of data very quickly and easily. However, some instances call for an uncategorized, and thus an unthreaded view of the data. Traders can simply toggle on and off of the Thread button to reveal all of the data in a single “spreadsheet” style.
Performance Tab
The Enyxus™ Performance Tab offers traders an active record of the performance of their trades, not just the value of their account over time. By recording P/Ls at the time of every trade compared with the overall running Key-Asset value of the account, traders can see how their trades have truly contributed to the value of their account. Enyxus™ also charts all deposits and withdrawals on the same graph, illustrating the impact of Capital Invested on the overall value as well. Users can simply hover over the lines on the chart to bring up the Detail Widget showing the details of the trade, including the pairing, the unit gain or loss, the resulting key asset profit or loss realized at the time of the trade, and the exchange on which the trade was placed. Within the Portfolio Performance Tab, users can see a detailed record of every trade they’ve made across every connected exchange within the Trade Ledger.