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The Market Matrix

Enyxus™ offers a free tool for assessing the markets in a way that is currently unavailable anywhere else. It’s called the Market Matrix. The Market Matrix provides exposure to the software by letting users get started exploring the new world of asset-to-asset volatility.The Market Matrix is the first thing that Visitors to the platform will see. This one-of-a-kind tool helps users find unit growth opportunities among as many assets as the user chooses. The image below illustrates the various components of the Market Matrix.

Figure 5

The Market Matrix is comprised of both a Default View which is the Global Market Matrix and a potential series of customized lists, “Custom Matrices”, that the user can create with the Market Matrix tool. This lets users decide how to group watch lists for their own analytical purposes without needing to compare them to actual holdings.

Default View

The Market Matrix default setting is comprised of the top 20 assets (by market cap) including USD (or the user’s selected key asset), compared to one another, in terms of 1-week price movement differences, expressed as a percentage.

The “wheel” is defaulted to just show 9 assets but can be reduced or expanded to a max of 21 assets. When the user expands the wheel using the slider, the 10th token and so on change in color within the list on the left, denoting their placement on the wheel.

Figure 6

Users can drag assets within the list to reassign assets in the order the user prefers.

The default setting is the top asset by market cap (presently BTC) as the “From” asset. At the default view, a route is not selected and has to be chosen by the user. A user will therefore see a “?” in the “To Asset” within the Route Summary and no lines highlighted upon initially hitting the website. This lets us maintain a wheel look that is intentionally un-routed at the very start.

Adjusting the Market Matrix

Within the Market Matrix, above the list of assets, is the summary area for the route that has been selected (the Route Summary noted above).

A locking mechanism on the pairing sits just below the assets in the Route Summary, and allows a user to change the functionality of the selection list to choose either the “From” asset or the “To” asset. Selecting the lock on the “From” side, locks the clicking mechanism on the wheel so that when a user clicks on a token, it now selects it as a “To” token in the route, and changes the List view accordingly (populating the top “To” Token and also highlighting the “To” Token on the list.)

Figure 7

Users can also simply click a line route on the wheel to quickly populate routes.

Figure 8

Users can reverse the pairing by simply hovering over the arrow which changes the arrow to a circular arrow flip icon.

Figure 9

Above the Route Summary is the Time Frame. As previously noted, the default time frame is One Week. The user can change the time frame of the list by selecting 24H, 1W, 1M, 1Y, or Custom.

Figure 10

It is important to note that changing the time frame does not mean that, for instance, if 1 month is selected, to display the order of tokens by Market Cap as they were one month ago. Rather, it means to simply display the current assets by market cap in terms of how their pricing differed between each other as of one month ago. When Custom is selected, the list clears and entry windows appear so a user can enter their chosen time frame. Calendar options appear as well allowing the user to select dates from a calendar.

Below the Route Summary and direction selector are sort tabs which, when clicked, change the order of the list to sort by Asset or by Gain/Loss. Re-sorting the lists will not change the visibility on the wheel as the wheel’s assets are assigned by default by market cap, and therefore unless reassigned by the user, they remain visible within the wheel. Changing the list assignment can only be done when the list is sorted by asset. Dragging when selected by Symbol, the order of assignment is changed. When dragging when sorted by “P/L gain loss” the assignment number isn’t changed. The user has to change the number in the box in order to set the assignment or, reorder by symbol and drag to change the number order of the assignment. When a user changes a number on the list, it animates up or down just like if it were being dragged.

Figure 11

Within the list of assets on the Market Matrix, just below the 21st asset, is an “Add New” button. This pulls up the Asset Chooser Window which has the entire list of all tradable assets. Users can simply select the assets they want to add to the list by scrolling down the list, or searching in the search bar. This adds them to the bottom of the list and snaps the list to the location of the asset that was just added. This will not impact the “Wheel” however, until the user drags tokens up into the selection area, thus changing the assignment or changing the number to adjust the assignment.

Figure 12

Saving / Creating a Custom Market Matrix List

If a user clicks the Save Button or begins to make changes to the Global Matrix, a new Custom Matrix called “Global Market (Copy)” populates in the Matrix List window, denoting that a new version of the Market Matrix and any changes that were made can be saved. At the bottom of the list of the Global Market Matrix is a bar that prompts users to Reset or to Save their changes as a new Custom List. The Reset Button simply resets to the last saved state. It’s important to note that the user, once having made a copy of the default list, can then choose to rename and save it as is, or make edits and save it. Additionally, if someone creates a new custom list by scratch, and adds a single coin or even nothing in the list, they can still create the list. The full matrix simply has a default of a three-pointed Matrix with question mark tokens in the place of actual tokens. The total number of lists a free user can create is six (6) and this requires the user to subscribe, by providing basic info and double opting in via email to our mailing list in order to save anything.

The prompt to save a list occurs when the save button is clicked. Users can also choose to exit without saving by simply clicking the X button in the top right corner of the screen.

There is only one time that the save button greys out and is inactive – that is when a user opens a custom list that they’ve previously saved and no changes have been made. There is no reason at that point to have the save button activated.

Creating a Custom Market Matrix List can actually happen in two ways:

  1. As previously noted, there is a Save button on the bottom of the Matrix List to save any variation of the Matrix List, even if it’s just the default list.
  2. A drop-down list at the top of the Market Matrix List indicates, by default, that a Global Matrix is in view, but hints at the fact that other lists are available to view as well. If a user is new to the platform and has no lists, a “+ Add New” is shown in the dropdown. When selected a new empty list is created and the Asset Selection Window opens over the Wheel to prompt new asset additions to the list. When new assets are added the user can save or reset the list (which is populating on the Matrix List window to the left) at the bottom of the Matrix List Window. Reset always returns to the last saved state.

Editing a Custom Market Matrix List

There are a variety of edits that can be made to a list. Users can adjust their lists in the following ways:

  1. Lists can be Edited or deleted directly from the pull down.
  2. Once a new list is created, a Mini-Matrix populates under the Matrix Name with the number of tokens depicted in the mini wheel, as well as the larger wheel and in the below list. Again, the default max is a 21-pointed matrix.
  3. When the Mini-Matrix pops up, the Route Summary and even the To and From Tab both disappear to make room as adding and subtracting assets and re-sorting the list are the only actions that can be done in this mode.
  4. When a user creates a new list from scratch from the drop down, a default name is added to the list… say “New List” unless or until the user changes the name and saves it. A pencil icon appears next to the name in the list upon hovering the name providing the user the ability to edit the name whenever they like. By default, a new list from scratch has no assets, so a three-sided triangle with no dots appears in the Mini-Matrix view. At the same time, the Asset Chooser window opens so the user can add assets to the list. As assets are chosen, the Mini-Matrix adds dots to the triangle. The shape of the Mini-Matrix updates itself according to the number of assets being added to the list with a maximum of 21 points. Any time the Asset Chooser window is closed (by clicking on the X in the upper right-hand corner), the Mini-Matrix collapses as well, so the Route Summary can take back its position in the window.

Figure 13

The Mini-Matrix makes editing lists as simple as:

  1. tabbing over to the next Custom Matrix List,
  2. selecting the assets you want to add in the asset chooser, and
  3. clicking save on the Matrix List Window.

Figure 14

It’s important to note that the Asset List only allows the addition and subtraction of assets and not the assignment of them. Only the Matrix List allows for the assignment ordering of assets in the Custom Matrix List. If a user makes changes and tries to tab over into another list, the user is prompted to save before moving to a new list.