Block View
Enyxus™ displays inventories of assets in tradeable Blocks that provide users with more advanced tracking of performance than they can achieve on any exchange or brokerage platform, but with a simple graphical interface that lets traders manage their inventory with extreme flexibility.
A block can represent the entirety of an asset’s inventory, or just a piece of it. Please note that blocks are specific to each symbol in one’s inventory. This means that a block cannot contain more than one asset type within it.
Users can switch between assets on either side of the pairing, by simply going to the Asset Chooser at the upper center of the screen and opening the drawers on either side by clicking on the respective arrow and choosing the assets they wish to see compared to one another. In the center of the Asset Chooser is the Direction Selector, which allows the user to quickly switch the direction of the pairing.
The block height at inception is based on the price paid for the block. The top of the block is drawn relative to where the entry price is on the graph. As the market price of the asset increases against any other asset to which it is being compared, a green top forms on the block to illustrate the growth in value.
Conversely, as the market price of the asset decreases against any other asset to which it is compared, a red area forms from the top of the block, down to the current price to illustrate the loss in value against the other asset to which the block is being compared.
Block Anatomy
The block also clearly displays the name of the asset, as well as the number of units of that asset that the block represents.
As additional Blocks are created, either through additional purchases of the asset or by the splitting of a block, the additional blocks will appear in the Block View.
Hovering the mouse over a block reveals additional details about the block including:
- The price paid for the block at inception
- The percent gain or loss that the block is currently experiencing. Note: this changes based on your decision to view Blocks’ in Sequence Mode or not. (See Sequence Mode Function section below)
- The Break-Even price for the block which we will refer to in detail later in this document, and
- The date upon which the block was created
Additionally, hovering over the date information at the bottom of the block reveals the time that the block was created.
Clicking on a block selects the block, revealing a selection indicator on the block.
Additionally, clicking on the block brings up the Action Window allowing traders options to:
- Merge the block with any other block(s) selected
- Split the block into smaller block(s)
- Analyze the block’s trade history and equivalency information to aid in trading decisions, and
- Initiate a trade of the block
Sequence Mode
Enyxus™ offers users a proprietary trading tool known as “Sequence Mode”. This simply means that Enyxus™ will “bank” profits (or losses) made when closing trades of blocks within the same asset and apply the gains or losses against remaining open blocks of that asset. For example, if you had five blocks of say Bitcoin and sold one of them for $10 of profit, that profit would be applied to the remaining four blocks, reducing their cost, thus reducing individual and collective Break-Even price indications. This helps traders maintain a better understanding of their true exposure as trades of the same asset are opened and closed incrementally, as blocks.
When Sequence Mode is on, the % Gain/Loss indication represents the difference between the current price and the Break Even for the specific block. However, users have the option to view each block’s performance on its own merit simply by selecting the Sequence Mode button on the Quick Functions Bar, and turning it off, which is indicated by a blue color rather than a gold color. Please note, however, that regardless of whether a user chooses to view this adjustment or not, mathematically, this cost adjustment continues to be calculated and applied to their entire position’s Break-Even value.
Please note that the Break-Even Line for the entire portfolio of open blocks in this window is not affected by this function, as depicted in the preceding image by a dashed green line. When users are not using Sequence Mode, the Break Even line refers to the average price of all of the open positions and is simply called Average Price.
This is because Sequence Mode applies past profit and losses to the Break Even line when enabled, but when disabled, past profits and losses are not applied to one’s break-even line. Therefore, the break-even of the open positions is simply the average price of the positions that are still open.
Pressing the Sequence Mode button toggles the view of the blocks to a view that is free from the Break-Even consideration for individual blocks. Additionally, the gain or loss that the block is experiencing is based solely on the price paid for the block, and the current price and the % indication on each block represents this difference. Neither closed trades, nor open trades, have any bearing on the individual blocks when Sequence Mode has been turned off.
Please note that the Break-Even Line for the entire group of blocks in this window is not affected by this function as depicted in the preceding image by a dashed green line.
When in Sequence Mode, Enyxus™ prominently displays a Sequence Mode Indicator ONLY AFTER A PORTION OF THE ASSET HAS BEEN TRADED INTO ANOTHER ASSET. The Sequence Mode Indicator will be displayed under the Asset Chooser after an initial trade has been completed, as this closed trade has an impact on the remaining blocks.
The Sequence Mode Indicator also offers a drop-down button. Pressing the drop-down button allows users to see a breakdown of every closed trade that occurred within the sequence, when they happened, each individual trade’s result and (at the bottom) the total calculations of how the closed trades combined performance has affected the overall Break-Even Price and Adjusted Cost of the remaining quantity of the asset.
Restarting a Sequence from Block Mode
Please note that Sequences do not have to run indefinitely. Enyxus™ allows traders to restart a Sequence within Block Mode at any time by:
- Selecting the Sequence Mode down arrow under the Asset Chooser, and
- Clicking the Sequence Restart Icon
Please also note that if at any time a trader has completely sold out of any asset, meaning that their holdings in the asset amount to 0, then the sequence on that asset will automatically restart.
Restarting a Sequence from List Mode
Enyxus™ allows traders to restart a Sequence in List Mode at any time by:
- Going into the List Mode view of any particular holding,
- Selecting the Sequence Data Tab, and
- Clicking the Sequence Restart Icon
To learn more about Sequence Mode and its potential use in trading strategies, please visit the document entitled Enyxus™ Concepts.
Merge Preview Function (On Left Quick Functions Bar)
There are two ways to Merge Blocks together, however, the two methods vary in that one mode is simply a preview, while the other way actually merges the blocks together.
Perhaps the easiest way and the NON-PERMANENT way to see an aggregated view of your blocks is to use the icon on the left quick functions bar. To do this, click on each of the blocks you wish to visually merge. Each selected block will display an icon depicting that it has been selected. Then simply click the Merge Preview Icon to preview the selected blocks as if they were merged.
Merge Block Function (On Action Window)
As previously noted, there are two ways to Merge Blocks together. The second way is a PERMANENT MERGE rather than a simple merged view, and is executed by selecting the blocks you wish to merge on the Action Window and selecting the Merge option. The Merge option will then open a detailed view of each of the blocks that have been selected to be merged and a summary total of the selected blocks’ key metrics. Users can then select other blocks or deselect any blocks that the user decides to include or exclude from the Merge action. Additional functions for sorting blocks by size or selecting all blocks are found in the top row and can help streamline functions for users with many blocks to consider.
Key Factors in Merging Blocks – Merging blocks together will combine the total unit counts from the previously unmerged blocks and recalculate the cost and Break-Even pricing of the new blocks. It will however, not merge the entire history of each block into a single history to be reviewed in the Analysis Window. The history of every trade will, however always be maintained within a list view of all trades placed through Enyxus™. See the Portfolio Views section herein for more information.
Split Block Function (On Action Window)
Users may encounter situations where they find it useful to split a block in order to trade smaller portions and build positions incrementally when opportunities present themselves. This can be accomplished by selecting the block you wish to Split and on the Action Window, selecting the Split option. The Split option will then provide options for splitting the block. The default split is 50% / 50%, however the user may set a different ratio by using the slider to slide the selection to the desired split amounts. Alternatively, users can simply input the desired amount on one side of the percentage input area, and the balance will automatically calculate and populate the other window.
Throughout the split selection process, users will see a scissor icon moving in sync with the selection of the user.
Once the desired split ratio is achieved, the user may simply click the Split button to execute the split.
Dividing Blocks Rather Than Splitting
In the event that a user wishes to split a block into multiple evenly sized units, the user can simply toggle the blue % Button in the middle of the window. This changes the basic split options into options for dividing the block equally among the desired number of resulting blocks. Users will notice that the scissor icon over the block has now changed to a division icon and remains fixed in the center of the block.
The default division is set at 3, however the user may use the slider to slide the selection to the desired number of resulting blocks. Alternatively, users can simply input a number in the window and the resulting block size in units will automatically calculate and populate the Resulting Block Size Window below.
Once the desired division has been selected, the user may simply click the Divide button to execute the split.
Key Factors in Splitting Blocks – Splitting a block will maintain the Purchase Price and and Break-Even pricing of the resulting blocks, but split the Purchase Cost accordingly. It will however, not split and maintain the entire history of each resulting block in the Analysis Window. The history of every trade will, however, always be maintained within a list view of all trades placed through Enyxus™.
Arrange Block Function (On Quick Functions Bar)
Enyxus™ allows blocks to be arranged by the user through a variety of filters including by:
- Price Paid,
- Current Gain / Loss
- Weight of the blocks by quantity, and
- Date of Purchase
Toggling each selection allows for a rearrangement in the opposite order to add greater flexibility to the sorting of users’ inventory.
Organizing Large Arrays of Blocks
Because Enyxus™ allows traders to trade at the most granular levels, many users will experience a block view that doesn’t accommodate all of the blocks they hold in any particular asset. In the event that there are more blocks to be viewed than the screen can accommodate, Enyxus™ fades the blocks at the edges of the screen to hint to users that there are more blocks beyond the last visible block on the screen. Users can simply scroll to see the additional blocks.
Background Tools Visualizer Functions Menu (On Quick Functions Bar)
Enyxus™ allows users to turn on and off, a variety of elements that may or may not be helpful to the user to see, depending on what the user’s objectives are. Perhaps a user only wants to see a chart of historical pricing without seeing any blocks on the screen, or maybe the pricing chart is proving distracting as a trader evaluates blocks of trades. As traders ourselves, the team at Enyxus™ understands that sometimes it’s helpful to tune out certain noise so we can focus on what matters most to us.
The Background Tools Visualizer Functions Menu can be accessed by clicking the “Eye” icon in the lower left-hand side of your screen. This menu allows traders to turn on/off the:
- Charted price history of the asset pair
- Price Laser (indicating the current asset price)
- Break Even line for all of the open blocks
- The open blocks within a particular asset
- The “Win Zone” or price above which all open assets become profitable.
Toggling each selection allows the user to adjust the view to see the data most important to the user. Additionally it is important to note that the settings options change to fit the elements in each mode as each mode has unique elements that can be removed from view as needed.